Dear Diary,
When I got to the factory I was met by a man Mr.Marsden. He was telling me stuff but I could not hear what he was saying so I just sort of nodded. Then I met a girl named Diana and she taught me what to do. She was a very adept weaver. It is going to take a long time to memorise what I have to do. Afterwards I went to meet the other girls named Prudence, Betsy, and Amelia. When I told them I was going to go study with Diana they didn't really like it to much. Her surname is apparently Goss. I would have to ask her. The girls told me that Diana is different than everyone else. I didn't think anything of it.
As I went to meet Diana in her room. I couldn't see her anywhere. All I could see was a pile of turmoil girls screeching around. Diana somehow found me and pulled me back into her room. When I was in her room she told me to sit on her bed. It did not look like anyone else lived with her. I started talking about myself and mother and charlie when I realized that I hadn't told them where I was. I started to panic and I told her that I forgot to tell them and she handed me some paper and some stamps. I insisted that I pay her back but she said it was a welcoming present. I couldn't stop thanking her.
When the first bell rang it was: 4:30 in the morning. I was lively awake but my roommates were dragging them self out of bed. I was ready to do my first day on the job. I was starving I couldn't wait to see what we were having breakfast. But breakfast wasn't for another two and a half hour's. Diana told me that Mr.Marsden was watching me. I started to get nervous. I really didn't want to screw up!
After work at night it was only me and Betsy in the room. I was about to crawl into bed when Betsy asked me if I would like her to read to me. I totally wanted her too. So I accepted. She read me a book called Oliver Twist. It's about a young orphan boy who gets put to work in numerous amount of places. It was a very interesting and very modern book. The curfew bell rang loud and clear and Betsy told me she'll continue on tomorrow.
I became awake at four thirty looking lively . For once in a long time I was very happy with my life all because Betsy was going to read to me that night.
Week's seemed to fly by and Amelia had me very busy. Which made me unavailable for Betsy to read some more of Oliver Twist to me. Week's flew by even faster and it was summer and the book was well done. My roommates were packing up and getting ready to go home for the summer. Diana was also leaving to my surprise. I am staying and Mr.Marsden informed that there was an increase in the pay if I stayed. Which was a good idea for me! Half way through July I decided I should read Oliver Twist for myself. That night I walked to the bookstore and purchased a nice fresh copy it cost like half of what I earned but it was totally worth it.
I was working on four machines by mid July. Mr.Marsden and brought in guests from out of town and come to watch just me! He told the guests that I was the hardest worker he had ever had. I felt great! Mama had sent me a letter that made me feel upset. Mama had said that my baby sister was not with us anymore. Agnes was only a little sweet girl I could not remember her face. I knew I had to move on. I sent some of my earned money to Rachel and her. By this time my roommates would be returning from their vacation. Everyone but Prudence would be coming back. She decided to stay at home and work on the farm. I was extremely into my book Oliver Twist that I didn't want to do anything but sit and read it. One night Amelia got cross of me because I wanted to read instead of going on a walk with her.
I eventually got involved in work and my goal was getting closer than ever before when I remembered I hadn't wrote to charlie and tell him about all the thing's mom had told me. I also wrote mom a reminder letter of where I was. Betsy had told me the good news's that she was going off to collage soon .I was so happy for her and I also was sad because I was really growing a liking to her. She promised me that she would finish this year first.
It was getting colder and colder outside but I didn't mind I was inside being nice and warm. Apparently there had been a pile of accident's in the icy weather. One afternoon a shuttle came flying at my head. I fell down on the floor and blood was everywhere. There was a gigantic split in the middle of my head. Within two day's I was ready to start working again. My head was still a little sore but I still needed my pay.
I have been such a quick worker that Mr.Marsden wanted me to train a girl. Diana was helping her more than I was. Betsy has a horrible cough. Her uncle came to take her home. Now it was only me.

Later in the day Luke Stevens came to see me. A lot of the girls were giving me the giggles and going all red but I was just more focused on what he needed to tell me. He was telling me Charlie was doing well and he brought me a parcel from someone. It turns out that it was from the man that was staying in the house, He sent me the money I had loaned to him.