Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oliver Twist

The working condition's during the Industrial Revoultion was not wonderful. It was very dusty and dirty. In this video from the 2005 virsion of Oliver Twist they got the working conditions to look just as it did. It was quite common for children workers to work 12 hours or more a day, in the hot and physically exhausting work places. Exhaustion naturally leads to the worker becoming slow, which makes the workplace more dangerous. Children were often employed to move between these dangerous machines because they were small enough to fit between tight machinery.

I personally would not like to live in this time period because it was very dangerous and children were beaten and were not treated as chilren or anybody should be treated. Children would starve on the streets if they didn't have a job. Minium wage was like a penny!! I would never in a million years wan't to live in these times.

Oliver's life was very busy he is an orphan who has no realitives or anybody to live with so he goes and get's a job anywhere he could get food, water, and shelter. He get's put in situation that make's him very upset or unhappy. He run's away only a handfull of times in the movie. In the end of the movie it is happy because he has someone to live with.

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